Climate Change : Fixing the responsibility...

December 07, 2015

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years).
Decades ago, climate change was viewed as a concern by the scientific community. But now it has become a part of economic, political and social decision-making. We are witnessing a change in weather patterns. People involved in agricultural activities are already facing the heat.
There are two questions that needs to be addressed-'who is responsible' and 'how to tackle it'.
Developing countries like India and China are growing economically and need more energy, but they seemed to be constantly targeted for their energy consumptions. But that’s just not true, in fact developed nations are responsible for most of the greenhouse gases and acquire a major chunk of carbon space.
Developed countries need to have common but differentiated responsibilities to tackle the issue of climate change. They cannot run away from their responsibilities and need to cut their green-house gas emissions considerably.
Developed countries committed in 2009 to sending $100 billion per year to developing countries to help finance their efforts to address climate change. And while the developed world hasn't rescinded that commitment, the details remain slim about just how that figure will be reached.

Developed countries need to share their clean coal technologies if we want speedy solution of the issue. Researches for emission reduction should be jointly shared.

Nonetheless, there are things that poorer countries could and should do today that are both in their immediate self-interest and that also could help the global environment.

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