India's bid to United Nations Security Council

September 27, 2015

India seems to be craving for a new international identity and wants to play an active role in the geo-political scenario of the world. The Government of India is tenaciously focused on providing a new perspective to its foreign policy which is quite evident from its recent bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

India has always been a major contributor for UN Peacekeeping forces, with more than 100,000 Indian troops having served in U.N. missions during the past 50 years. Today, India has over 8,500 peacekeepers in the field, more than twice as many as the U.N.'s five big powers combined." 
India has been elected seven times to the UN Security Council. Most recently India was elected to serve in UNSC from 2011 to 2012 as it had received 188 of the 190 total votes.
India is the only country with the support vote of every member of United Nations, with the exception of Pakistan - the only nation which specifically opposes India's candidacy.

But does becoming a permanent member of UN Security Council needs to be on the priority list of the Indian Government ?

Of course, India needs to have a greater say in International affairs given the fact that it is home to a considerable part of world's population and is a rising power, but there are lots of other challenges that needs attention. Challenges like reviving agricultural sector and economy, providing concrete and reliable environment for investment, unplanned urbanization, creating public health infrastructure...etc must be the topmost priority.

Acknowledgement and recognition will take its course.

Write - Up : Rohan Singh

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